Jetfire Workflow Viewer (read-only) Web Part
There are applications where the Jetfire Administrator may wish to display the data in a read-only format. This prevents users from changing the data.
The workflow displayed in the example is an OawaRate that defines a Juvenile athlete for 2008.
The Web Part is accessed from the
Jetfire Web Parts Library.
Web Part Features
Features of the Web Part includes:
- Works in conjunction with a Workflow Configuration Xml file to display properties. If the Workflow Configuration Xml file is not found, then displays the Properties on a best guess basis.
- Properties are displayed are Read-Only mode.
- Optional display of the state and user commands.
- A custom display of the Workflow is achieved using a combination of the Workflow Configuration File, Css Classes from the Style Sheet and custom labels.
Editor for Workflow (Read Only) Web Part
Edit Properties of the Web Part
The edit properties for the Web Part include:
- Property Display describes how Properties are displayed in the Web Part.
- Workflow Config File - used when Property Display = WorkflowConfig. This is the Workflow Configuration File that contains the Properties and display characteristics.
- Field Names - Used when Property Display = Auto. This is a list of Property Names, each name is separated by a comma. If the Field Names are blank, then the Property Display uses the Workflow Configuration File identified in the application settings of the web.config file. If the workflow is not present in this Workflow Configuration File, then all properties in the workflow are displayed.
- Field Display Names - Used when Property Display = Auto. This is a list of Property Display Names, each name is separated by a comma. The display names are displayed to the user.
- Required Fields - Used when Property Display = Auto. This is a list of Required Property Names, each name is separated by a comma. If a field is marked as required, the workflow is not saved until the required fields are added.
- Label Css Class - the css class for labels used for property labels.
- Jetfire Common Edit Properties