Jetfire Workspace Navigation Web Part
Jetfire Workspace Navigation Part
The Workspace Navigation Web Part displays workflows by workspace. A workspace is a logical space that one or more or all users can access.
The Web Part is accessed from the
Jetfire Navigation Web Parts Library.
Web Part Features
Features include:
- Displays the Workspaces that the logged in user has access to.
- Displays a Selected Workspace with its Workflows.
Edit Properties of the Web Part
The Web Part may be edited. It has the standard properties of a Jetfire Web Part. Two custom edit properties are included:
- Name – the name is used in the Web Part to identify the workflows.
- Workspace – the name of the Workspace to be displayed in the Web Part. If the Workspace is not used, then all Workspaces that the user has access to are displayed.
- Jetfire Common Edit Properties