Workflow Configuration Formats
This page should be used as a reference for building reports and outputing data in forms, grids and tables.
Formating is based on the 'Format' field found in the Workflow Configuration for a Jazz model.
- 'YesNo' displays true as 'Yes' and false as 'No'
- 'OnOff' displays true as 'On' and false as 'Off'
- 'ddd, MMM d, yyyy' is displayed as e.g. 'Wed, May 24, 2017'
- 'ddd, MMM d, yyyy h:mm tt' is displayed as e.g. 'Wed, May 24, 2017 2:37 pm'
- 'MMM d, yyyy' is displayed as e.g. 'May 24, 2017'
- Date uses the same formating as DateTime. Note that is time is displayed, it is midnight.
- 'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'' is displayed as e.g. '2017-05-24 14:37:02 -4'
- 'HH:mm' is displayed as a 24 hour time.
- 'h:mm' tt is displayed as a 12 hour time with am/pm.
- 'Days' will display the number of days to 2 decimal points.
- 'Hours' will display the number of days to 2 decimal points.
- 'Minutes' will display the number of days to 2 decimal points.
- 'DaysHoursMinutes' will display e.g. '1 days, 5 hours, 11 minutes'.
- 'HoursMinutes' will display e.g. '5 hours, 11 minutes'.
- 'Hyperlink' will generate a link in the output.
- 'Camel' will display e.g. 'hiThereHowAreYou' as 'Hi There How Are You'.
- 'RemoveSpaces' will display e.g. 'Hi There How Are You' as 'HiThereHowAreYou'.
- 'Phone' will display a string in a phone number format
- Color will be automatically displayed as the name of the color.
- 'Currency' or '{0:c}' displays e.g. '23.4567' as '$23.45'
- 'Currency' or '{0:c}' displays e.g. '23.4567' as '$23.45'
- '{0:(###) ###-####}' generates a phone format.