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Jazz Secure Link Web Part

The Jazz Secure Link Web Part displays a hyperlink that has different characteristics depending on whether the user is logged into Jazz or not.

Figure 1: Jazz Secure Link

Figure 1: Jazz Secure Link

This is a custom Web Part because it expects to find the ClickLink object.

Secure Link Web Part displays a link, which the user clicks to execute a standard link and create an audit. The Link has a not logged-in and a logged-in action. The link is displayed as a DisplayType, meaning that the link can be displayed as a hyperlink, button or image. Option: Send an email to the named user that the link has been clicked.

Figure 2 shows the definition of the Secure Link in a Jazz Editor. All fields are user definable.

Figure 2: Jazz Secure Link Definition

Figure 2: Jazz Secure Link Definition


This Web Part is accessed by the Jazz Custom Library.

Edit Properties

Custom Edit properties include:
  • Class Name: The class name of Jazz objects that are displayed.
  • Config File: The name of the Config file used to customize the properties and methods displayed for the Jazz object.
  • Save Audit?: If checked, saves an audit for the action.
  • Send Email?: If checked, sends an email to th 'ToList' to report that a user has clicked the link.
  • To List: A semi-comma delimited list of To email addresses that the email is sent to.
  • Email Subject: The Subject for the 'clicked link' email.
  • Email Body: The body of the email for Link clicked - the format is '{0} has clicked the link on page {1}', where {0} is the name of the logged user and {1} is the name of the page.
  • Success Message: The message to display for successful completion of the command.
  • Display Type: Identifies how the link is displayed - hyperlink, button or image
  • Link CssClass: The CSS class for the link.
  • Mouse Over CssClass: The mouse over CSS class for the link.
  • Table CssClass: The table CSS class for the table.
  • Jazz Common Edit Properties
Figure 3: Editor for Jazz Secure Link

Figure 3: Editor for Jazz Secure Link - Wiki version