Jetfire Administration: Security Using Roles
Roles and Workspaces are used to secure data for the Registration solution.
Securing Workflows
Let's walk through an example of how Workflows are secured. The example secures data for the XYZ Workflow.
Workflow Name: 'XYZ'
To secure the workflow data, follow these steps:
- Create a unique Workspace for every Club. The Workspace name is 'XYZ'.
- Create a unique Role. The Role name is 'XYZ'.
- Add the 'XYZ' Role to the 'XYZ' Workspace.
- Create a User, who will be the Workspace Administrator. e.g. this may be 'Sally' or ''.
- Add the 'XYZ' Role to the new User.
- The new User logs in.
- Add Workflow data.
Securing Workflows: Administrative Steps
Let's repeat the example - this time adding in the steps that the Jetfire Administrator must perform.
- Create a unique Workspace using the Jetfire New Workspace Web Part.
- Create a unique Role using the Jetfire New Role Web Part.
- Add the new Role to the Workspace using Jetfire Assign Jetfire Roles to Workspace Web Part.
- Create a new User using the Jetfire Create Jetfire User Web Part.
- Add the Role to the new User using the Jetfire Assign Jetfire Roles Web Part.
- Login using the Jetfire Login Web Part.
- Add Workflow Data.
- Set the Preferred Workspace to the new Workspace using Jetfire Preferred Workspace Web Part.
- Create a new Workflow using Jetfire New Workflow Web Part. The new workflow is added to the new workspace where the logged in user is the only user has access to.
- Review the workflows added using the Jetfire Workflow Navigation Web Part.
Verify that another user cannot see the data.
- (While the first user is logged in) Create a second User.
- First User Logs off.
- Second User logs in.
- Verify that Second User does not see the Workflows using the Jetfire Workflow Navigation Web Part.