Silverlight Site Dependencies
This page defines the requirements for Silverlight Web Parts.
Website Configuration
Vertigo.SlideShow.xap file is a third party Silverlight software library that implements software for Silverlight based Web Parts.
Vertigo.SlideShow.xap is placed in a ClientBin folder at the root of the website.
No web.config changes are required.
If your website is hosted on an ISP, make sure that the ClientBin folder is defined as an ASP.NET application.
IIS Configuration
If the Silverlight Web Part does not work, then the most likely cause is missing mime types.
.manifest application/manifest
.xaml application/xaml+xml
.xaml application/xaml
.xap application/x-silverlight-app
.application application/x-ms-application
.xbap application/x-ms-xbap
.deploy application/octet-stream
.xps application/