Jazz Bulk Export Web Part
This Web Part is used to exort Jazz objects from Jazz tables into an Excel spreadsheet.
Figure 1 shows the the Export Web Part.
- Bulk Export uses Workflow Configuration File for Web Design. Setup the configuration parameters with the properties that need to be exported. These properties will appear as columns in the Excel file.
- Jazz records are exported from a specific workspace.
- Select the Workspace, select the Class Name, click Export to export records to an Excel file.
Figure 1: Jazz Bulk Export
This Web Part is accessed by the
Jazz Admin Library.
Edit Properties
Custom Edit properties include:
- Admin Role: A semi-colon delimited list of Roles allowed to access this Web Part. If blank, then anyone can view this Web Part.
- Class Name: The class name of Jazz objects that are displayed.
- Refer to Jazz Sorting for Sort Property, Foreign Key Sort, Sort Order parameters
- Refer to Jazz Filtering for Config File, Filter by Site, Filter, Foreign Key Filter parameters
- Filter Leading Columns?: If checked, then filters the leading columns from spreadsheet. Leading fields include:
- Export Action: Actions Export, Import or Ignore are used to determine what action is taken for the record.
- Export: The record may be exported.
- Import: The record was imported. (It will not be imported.)
- Ignore: Ignore this record. (It will not be imported.)
- Id: The Id of the object from the database.
- Class Name: The type of object exported.
- Jazz Common Edit Properties
Figure 2: Editor for Jazz Bulk Export