Wiki Search Engine Web Part

The Wiki Search Engine Web Part searches content found in tagged pages. The search terms are highlighted in the results.
Pages are tagged in the
Navigation Xml file.
<Text>Jazz Notes</Text>
<ToolTip>help for Jazz Notes Model</ToolTip>
<MenuName>Jazz Models help</MenuName>
This Web Part is added to a page from the
CMS Navigation Library.
Edit Properties
Custom Edit properties include:
- Xml File for the Link List: the path to the navigation file for the site.
- Menu Name: an optional semi-colon delimited list of menu names used for the site. If not blank, then tags are collected from pages associated with these menu names.
- Tag Name: A comma-delimited list of tag names that are displayed for the search. If blank, then uses the query string parameter.
- Text Css Class: the css class used to style odd rows in the table.
- Alternate Text Css Class: the css class used to style even rows in the table.
- Header Css Class: the css class used to style the header.
- Common COR Edit Features