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Web Part: Create Jetfire User

Modified on 2013/01/07 22:56 by Charles Categorized as Jetfire Web Part, User Administration, Web Parts

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Figure 1: Jetfire New User form

Create Jetfire User Web Part

This Web Part is used to create new Jetfire Users. The basic form displayed in the first image is a standard form that is produced by this Web Part. It collects various information for the new Jetfire user.

The second image is the same form, albeit decorated differently and displaying a different set of fields (due to how the Web Part is configured). Of particular note, this image shows the image-based captcha form.

Figure 2: Jetfire New User form


This Web Part is accessed by the Jetfire Admin Panel and the Jetfire Login Web Parts Library.


The Web Part has a number of options, including:
  • Customized text for prompting the user.
  • (optional) Collect User Email and Password Recovery question and answer.
  • (optional) Save browser user's IP address in property 'IPAddress'.
  • (optional) A Captcha prompt used as a security measure.
  • Add new user to specific workspace.
  • Add new user to specific subscription.
  • (optional) Select subscription that the user is added to.
  • Add new user as a custom workflow class.
  • (optional) Select the custom workflow class that is used to create the new user.
  • (optional) Enforce the user name as an email address.
  • (optional) Prompt user for Time Zone.
  • (optional) Hide the User workflow.
  • (optional) Jetfire method to invoke when the user is created.
  • Url to direct the user to if the user cancels the new user request.
  • Prompts for additional custom properties.
  • Prompts for list properties, e.g. properties of a note contained in a list of the user workflow.
  • An Automatic Login Type that supports multiple ways to login.
  • Confirm new user registration by sending the user an email with customized text.
  • (optional) Email Domain Blacklist: if not blank, then compares the domain of the email address to a list of domains in the xml file. If found, then the profile is not accepted, because the 'Email domain not accepted'.

Format of Email Domain Blacklist file

An example of the Email Domain Blacklist file is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Domains comment="This is a list of domains." xmlns="">
Figure 3: Editor for Jetfire New User form

Figure 3: Editor for Jetfire New User form

Edit Properties

Custom Edit properties include:
  • Admin Role: A comma-delimited list of Roles that can use the Web Part.
  • Prompt for Subscription?: If checked, then the user is prompted to enter a subscription.
  • Prompt for Workspace?: If checked, then the user is prompted to select a workspace.  The default is the Public workspace.
  • Requires Question and Answer?: If checked, then the user is prompted to enter a security question and answer.
  • Save User Name as Email?: If checked, then the user name is expected to be an email address.
  • Prompt for Time Zone?: If checked, then the user is prompted to select a Time Zone.
  • Prompt for User Login Class?: If checked, then the user is prompted to select a User Login Class.
  • User Login is Visible?: if checked, then the User workflow is visible (vs hidden).
  • User Login Class: A comma-delimited list of Jetfire Code classes that inherit from the user class.
  • Save Method: A Jetfire method that is invoked when a new user is created.
  • Property Display: The list of properties displayed in the form.
  • Property Names: used if Property Display = Auto. A comma-delimited list of names that are properties in the workflow.
  • Property Display Names: used if Property Display = Auto. A comma-delimited list of names that are displayed to the user for properties in the workflow.
  • Property Required Names: used if Property Display = Auto. A comma-delimited list of properties that required for the workflow.
  • Workflow Configuration File: If the property display is 'Workflow Config', then the Workflow Configuration File used to display properties of the user code class.
  • Auto-Login Type: Manual, Automatic or Auto-cookie.
    • Manual mode allows the user to login using the login form.
    • Automatic mode automatically logs the user in after being created.
    • Auto-cookie mode creates a cookie in the user's browser. This logs the user in automatically when they surf the domain.
  • Auto-generation Password?: If checked, then the password is not prompted, but is automatically generated.
  • Captcha Type: None, Image. 
    • None: The captcha form is not used on the form.
    • Image: The captcha form is displayed on the form.
  • Create User Action: Select the Create User Action: None, Another Account, Return to Previous Page, Login, Login and return to Previous Page, Login and route to destination.
  • Cancel Page Url: The page address that the user is routed to if the user clicks the 'Cancel' button.
  • Send Email?: If checked, then a email is sent to the user when the user is created.
  • Confirm Url: used if Send Email is checked. The absolute address of the page used in the sent email to confirm the registration.
  • Email Domain Blacklist: the path to an xml file that contains a list of domains. If the email domain is listed in the xml list, then the profile is not accepted, because the 'email domain is not accepted'.
  • Email Link Text: The text associated with the email link.
  • Prompt for List Input?: If checked, then prompt for the list input (this is used when the data to be collected is part of a list in the user.
  • Entry Workflow Class: used if Prompt for List input is checked. The Workflow Class Name of the to list. This is used to prompt for list entries.
  • Add Method Name: used if Prompt for List input is checked. The name of the Add Method.
  • Property Names: used if Prompt for List input is checked. A comma-delimited list of Property Names.
  • Property Display Names: used if Prompt for List input is checked. A comma-delimited list of Property Display Names.
  • Property Label: used if Prompt for List input is checked. A label that describes the Property.
  • Number to display: used if Prompt for List input is checked. The number of rows for input to display.
  • Jetfire Common Edit Properties

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